The free and open access of the current PAC 4 and the future PAC 5 depends on the commitment of the authors and the administrators who work voluntarily.
By making a donation to the AEAC, you provide the means to carry out its missions, notably the construction of the PAC 5 website in French and its translation first in English.
The AEAC Committee agrees to honor donations in accordance.
Articles 5 : "The Association’s resources consist of donations, bequests, support from universities in Switzerland and outside Switzerland, foundations and associations, and, if necessary, government subsidies. The funds are used in accordance with the social objective."
Article 12 : "The dissolution of the association is decided by the committee. In the case of the dissolution of the association, the assets should be allocated to an association or foundation pursuing a public purpose similar to that of the association. It can also be attributed to the Confederation, the cantons, the municipalities as well as their institutions.
Under no circumstances shall the assets be returned to the founders or members, nor be used to their advantage in whole or in part, in any manner whatsoever."
The AEAC committee thanks you for contributing to its development, it's sole aim being to provide free access to evidence based medical knowledge.
The AEAC committee thanks you for contributing to its development, it's sole aim being to provide free access to evidence based medical knowledge.

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